What is the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)?
All real estate companies across the United States have the same access to a multiple listing service. While different real estate companies choose different MLS services, the services all have the same goal – give active real estate brokers information on current properties. MLS services provide information such as number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, property features, and more. MLS also allows pictures to be posted with the property description. The MLS saves buyers time since they are able to select homes on the Internet or in a real estate office prior to actually visiting properties.
Listing Agent Motives (Traditional Real Estate Brokers)
The first priority of the Listing Agent is to list your home on a multiple listing service (MLS/FMLS). Most Listing Agents will tell you that their first goal is to get your home sold and that they will do everything in their power to make this happen. However, according to the National Association of Realtors, the basic complaints Sellers have about their listing agent are:
2. The Listing Agent never actually showed the property.
3. All the Listing Agent accomplished was placing property on the MLS, placing a sign in the yard, and providing a lockbox.
Consumers now understand that they are paying for two real estate agents to sell their home when only one of the agents does the majority of the work – the agent that brings the buyer. Homeowners are fighting back and Total Choice Realty gives you the tools you need to WIN!
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